
by ООО Проект



Using the application you can:🏡 find a part-time job near your home or in any area of ​​the city you need;🕓 choose the optimal task schedule in the time intervals you need;💸 find temporary part-time work for the weekend or in your free time with the best conditions on the market;💲 high hourly pay;📅 any frequency of payments: daily, weekly or other, at your discretion;👫 share interesting part-time jobs near home with friends and work with them;How the application works:1. Choose a task2. Respond3. Complete the task4. You receive paymentThats all! No more going to interviews to find a job. You don’t need to fill out a questionnaire for a long time, much less write a resume.You can look for part-time work for the weekend in any place convenient for you and at a time convenient for you.In the “Part-time job” application you can find a part-time job with daily payment:- merchandiser- loader- courier- picker- packer- cleanerAnd othersAll companies whose tasks you see in the application have been verified. And this means a 100% payment guarantee.We are an authorized operator of the Federal Tax Service, which guarantees the reliability and security of the service.